Bespoke your Burpees

As promised, 2nd day of the month, 2nd letter of the alphabet and B is for Burpee.

Embrace the Burpee.  Bespoke the burpee.  

Why are burpees so beneficial to your workout routine?  They help create gains in your strength and in your aerobic capacity, all in one fast (or slow) move.  You could even challenge your anaerobic energy systems to an entire workout comprised of burpees (how many can you do in 10 minutes)?

If you are feeling like your low back doesn’t love burpees, (even though you do)…here is how to do them in a safe way with a neutral spine (and engaged TVA—see last blog post). 

With your feet a bit wider than hip distance apart, pull your belly button in and squat down low, now plant your hands on the floor (or on a low bench or box) and jump out into plank…now, bespoke the rest of your burpee with a pushup (or 10), arm raises, leg raises, rotation, supermans, single leg squat, single arm pushup, jacks, box jumps, pullups or leg scissor jumps--or invent your own!

A strong plank is essential to your burpee!

A strong plank is essential to your burpee!

Add medicine balls or weights in each hand!

Add medicine balls or weights in each hand!