HIIT Me Baby One More Time

Today we have reached "H"...our topic for this post:  High Intensity Interval Training, otherwise known as HIIT.

Much has been written and said about the benefits of high intensity interval training:  burn about 16% more calories through the “after-burn” known as EPOC  (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption), burn more fat, build muscle, build capillaries…what’s not to like?

The secret to a successful HIIT workout…working at a higher intensity (over 75% of your max HR) with little rest, for a shorter duration.

The following is a high rep HIIT circuit for cardiovascular endurance, building strength and burning fat. (Check with your doctor before you get your heart rate into those higher numbers!) 

Midway into marching plank...and about to place the forearms on the floor.

Midway into marching plank...and about to place the forearms on the floor.

For this HIIT workout you will need a set of light-ish dumbbells, and a TRX (or pull-up bar).

Jumping jacks x 30

Squat bicep curl combo w dumbbells x 30

Plank with corner to corner jumps x 30

Chest press x 30

Split lunge jumps x 30

Travel lunge x 30

Sand-bell or rope slam x 30

TRX rows x 30 (or pull-ups to failure)

High knee run x 30

Side step lunge x 30

Marching forearm-to-hand plank x 30

Pushup dumbbell row combo x 30

You will need plenty of time to recover from these workouts…true HIIT workouts should only be done 1-2x per week.