Bespoke your Spring Detox

It is finally Spring!  At least it felt like Spring on Sunday with the warm weather...

This means it is time to de-clutter, de-stress, and de-tox.  Our special Detox Bespoke Yoga begins May 4.  In 4 classes, Yoga Instructor Katarina Arneric will twist and wring your body into a lean, clean machine!  Katarina will also provide nutritional support with a special workshop to discuss what you should include in your diet for the ultimate detox.

Here are all the details:


A special Spring detox yoga taught by Yoga Instructor and Holistic

 Health Coach Katarina Arneric            


• 4 Bespoke yoga classes focusing on detoxification and one nutrition workshop

• Class dates:  May 4, May 11, May 18, June 1

                       Sundays 4:00pm-5:15pm

• Nutrition Workshop date:  Thursday May 22, 8:00-9:00pm

• Class size is limited

• Cost:  $155

To register contact by May 2, 2014

For more information on Katarina, visit

Training the Trainers

How do Trainers Bespoke their workouts?  In today's blog, Bespoke trainer Emily Hanson shares some observations on the trainer-client relationship, and why it is important for EVERYONE to try private training.


From Emily:

I've been a personal trainer for over 10 years.  I love my job and I take pride in what I do.  Recently I transitioned out of a health club and into Studio DelCorpo, a small private training studio.  I have loved the transition to the studio but missed the amenities of a bigger club, mainly an indoor pool.  I found a club near the studio and went in to join (which in itself was a bit unusual, since I have always viewed a health club as employment, not an out of pocket expense).  When the sales rep at this gym found out I was personal trainer, she paused halfway into her sales pitch to say, “you probably aren't interested in the 4 free personal training sessions that come with your membership then…”.  I hesitated for a second before telling her yes, I am actually interested.  

I told her I was interested in boxing and battle ropes, two things I had never used in my years of training.  She put me touch with a trainer, Jeff, who I met the following day.  I came in for my appointment with Jeff feeling a bit sheepish.  I have been training for 10 years...why do I need a trainer.  Is he going to think I'm not qualified at what I do?  Is he going to judge me for wanting to work with him?  Of course one of the first questions he asked me is what I do for a living. As I tell him my history he seems open and excited that maybe he can learn things from me as well.  I guess I hadn't thought about it that way.   As trainers, we are constantly studying human movement, and learning, learning, learning…

When asked why one should work with a personal trainer, one of the biggest reasons I give people is that a trainer can push them.  However, since working with Jeff I now have a list of reasons why people should seek the services of a trainer.  Jeff has given me what I give other people, an hour a week to not think about what I have to do!  What exercises I should do, what my program should be, how my form should look, etc…And it's awesome!  And liberating. He has also frustrated me, challenged me and kicked my butt like a trainer should.  He made muscles hurt that I didn't know I had. 

Jeff has also given me skills I can pass on to others.  He has motivated me to do something different in my workouts and pushed me beyond where I wanted to go some days.  He has given me a new appreciation for how long 30 seconds really is (!) and what it's like on the other end of the stop watch.   Although this type of relentlessness may not be the right style for everyone, or for all my clients, it was just right for me.

I completed my 4 sessions with Jeff in about 3 weeks and quickly bought some more.  I am no longer hesitant to tell people I am working with a personal trainer.  I see even more value in the service I provide people.  I encourage everyone to work with a trainer and see where it can take you.  It's an experience you will not forget.

Feel free to contact Emily at


I also felt the urge to do some private training, and return to a discipline from my past that I have missed:  Shodokan Karate.

For the past few weeks, I had my former sensei teach Karate to a few of us at the Studio.  For me to be a student again, and be able to let another expert lead the way, is invaluable to my mental, physical and professional training.  Here we are before the lesson:


Me and my Sensei Predrag:  the very important belt-tying ritual.  (He is very large.)

Me and my Sensei Predrag:  the very important belt-tying ritual.  (He is very large.)