GIMME SHELTER: Stay fit while “sheltering in place”

In the past week, we have been told to stay home, stock up and stay calm.

Since being at home is our new normal, we must let our hair appointments, nail appointments and various body maintenance appointments fall to the wayside. But NOT our fitness.

Drop your fitness routine now, and you’ll lose a host of physical, immune and mental benefits, which are needed now more than ever.

Here are six things you can do to keep healthy and fit while the shelter in place order is in effect:


Try something different than your usual workouts: If you have stairs inside your building or house, use them as you would a Stair Climber: walk or run them. Or seek out a yoga video on Youtube—there are plenty of them to choose from. Make use of household items for resistance: cans of soup for dumbbells; your giant laundry detergent bottle (filled) as a kettlebell, a pile of books in a sturdy bag.

Look for my posts on Insta this week for how-to-videos that you can string together for a complete workout. And if you’re still unsure about what to do, and how to do it, contact us for Bespoke Fitness Anywhere sessions via Facetime (see info at the end of this post).


You are homebound and have all this time on your hands…use it. Try some new recipes. Experiment with new ways to nourish your body. Take a break from meat for a few days, or try some different protein smoothie recipes (we love the protein powder from our local partners New World Nutrition), bake homemade paleo banana bread or make your own almond milk (recipe below).


Craving comfort food? Check out this super healthy stuffed pepper recipe from my sister-in-law, uber-cook, blogger and cookbook author, Marina Delio, the founder of Yummy Mummy Kitchen.

Craving some bread? Switch to a more nutrient dense version for your a.m. avocado toast…like Ezekial bread or Julian’s Paleo bread.   (Ezekial bread 4g protein, 14g total carb, 3g fiber; 80 cal.; Julian Bakery Paleo bread 5g protein, 6g total carb, 5g fiber, 35 cal.) If you want to bake your own, try the almond flour version from Simple Mills. Their boxed bread mixes are super easy to make—simply add eggs, water, vinegar and oil.

Craving something crunchy? Hide your corn chips and non-nutritious junk food. Opt for some homemade kale chips or even beet or sweet potato chips. Perfect with your homemade guacamole.

Craving something sweet? Eat fruit, nature’s “candy.” Still looking for something? In case of emergency, try these healthier chocolate chip cookies, made with almond flour (so they are gluten free), also from the Yummy Mummy Kitchen website. (I add chopped almonds to mine!)


Remember when it was fun to kick off your shoes as a kid? Go barefoot at home, and take in the floor beneath your feet.    Try to feel the entire sole of your foot, and articulate through each joint, moving through to your toes. After you are finished, you can do a “legs up the wall” stretch (at 90 degrees with your bum against the wall). The increased blood flow to the upper body will improve circulation and give you energy.


Feeling anxious and revved up? Take a break from your phone and the news. Meditate. Watch and practice some tai chi with a video on YouTube, or practice deep diaphragmatic breathing. Incidentally, did you know that shallow breathing in your upper chest heightens your body’s fight or flight response? Slow it down with deep belly breathing. If you are not sure how to breathe properly, our biofeedback guru, Dr. Eugenie Pabst can help with a virtual session. Empower yourself to manage your stress and connect your mind and body.

And put down the wine! As much as alcohol triggers a quick calming effect, it also worsens your quality of sleep (necessary to stay healthy), weakens your immune system, and can ultimately induce a stress response from your body by altering the feel-good chemicals in your brain (Psychology Today and Healthline).

Studio Delcorpo’s healthier choice? Untitled Art’s CBD-infused sparkling water, found at our partners on Armitage, OFF PREMISE…because it is delicious, is calorie free, and it isn’t bad for you. Owner Adam Kamin attests he is a “necessary business” and will remain open. (We’ve included a coupon for in-store shopping below.)


We ALL have to pitch in to keep our small businesses afloat. I’m thinking of local restaurants and their entire staffs who are going to be hit by this shelter in place mandate. Keep our neighborhood spots open with healthy take-out like soups, salads and an occasional steak>

Looking for a way to support fitness businesses that you love? Congress is nearing a decision regarding economic aid for health clubs, fitness studios and fitness suppliers. Powered by the International Health and Racquet Club’s commitment to fitness, each one of us can weigh-in with members of Congress. Click here to let Congress know how much you value our fitness centers and that we need economic help in these financially challenging times.

Last but not least: let’s all remember and send a special shout out to all of our healthcare workers. They are on the front line of this COVID-19 crisis every day, and we really owe our health and fitness to them.

Make Your Own Raw Almond Milk

—1 cup raw ORGANIC almonds (or you could try raw ORGANIC cashews)
—3 cups filtered water
—a pinch of sea salt
—1 tsp vanilla extract
—cinnamon or nutmeg for taste

Rinse and soak the nuts in the water over night for around 8hrs. Drain the water from the nuts and rinse. Put nuts in the blender with 3 cups of filtered water and the salt. Blend until smooth. Drain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer, cheese cloth or a nut milk bag.  Add the now pulp-free milk back to your blender with the vanilla and/or spices. Blend again.  Use this nutritious and delicious milk substitute for oatmeal, or smoothies and protein shakes. Lasts for about 2 days refrigerated.



SHOP AT OFF PREMISE on ARMITAGE AVE. Use the code above for a $5 discount.

SHOP AT OFF PREMISE on ARMITAGE AVE. Use the code above for a $5 discount.


…and have a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season—(with a little help from Studio DelCorpo’s friends)

White lights, Christmas trees, and holiday décor are in view already…And it is not even Thanksgiving yet.  Scarily, the holidays are upon us and more than a few folks I know have voiced their anxiety about going into this season.

Late nights, poor nutrition, alcohol and lack of time for workouts, can lead to a downward spiral of extra stress, adrenaline overdrive, immune system demise.  Time for some intense damage control and self care!

Fortunately, we have a few friends who can help.  We chatted with some of them and now pass along their expertise to you.   First, our friends at Delos Therapy, and second Delcorpo’s staff Physical Therapists Brett Painter and John Randa. 

Read on for their thoughts on self-care…and make sure to read until the end for a special class announcement.

Feeling sore or stuck with tight muscles?  Have a muscular issue that needs resolution? Go where our clients go when they are in need of some targeted bodywork… Our neighbors at Delos Therapy!  I spoke with the owners of Delos, Mimi Bosika and Eric Owens to find out more about their proprietary protocol that decreases inflammation and obliterates injury. 

CD:  Tell me briefly about the history of your technique.

Mimi and Eric:  The Delos Therapy technique was developed in the 1970s by Kenny Owens, who was an engineer specializing in troubleshooting complex systems. He experienced years of chronic pain without a reliable solution. Out of desperation for relief, he turned his body into an engineering project. He made some very interesting discoveries, which ultimately led to the development of the technique that we utilize today to restructure muscle tissue back to a functional and dynamic state.

CD:  What should I expect at my first session, and after?

M and E:  The first session includes a detailed explanation regarding what we believe is happening in each patient’s body and what makes Delos Therapy a unique solution.   We also formulate a treatment plan customized to each individual client so they can continue to do the activities they love and live life without limitations.  The goal for each client is to have a new perspective on muscle health and to be able to live life without any pain or stiffness

CD:  Why is Delos therapy important for people without injuries or issues as a regular self care practice?


M and E: Most people wait until they are actually injured or in pain before seeking treatment.  This is analogous to waiting until you get a cavity to start brushing your teeth.  A common misconception is that if the muscles don’t hurt or feel stiff, they are perfectly healthy.  In reality, everyone’s muscle tissue is gradually getting tighter and stiffer through activity or lack of activity until such a vast amount of congestion and tightness exists within the muscle that it actually begins to hurt.  As the percentage of tightness increases, even before there is pain, there is a compromise of the muscle tissue.   As a result, energy levels will suffer, workouts will plateau and the muscles will not function at their best even when there are no symptoms of pain or stiffness.  This is what we want to educate patients on – they shouldn’t assume that the absence of pain defines the health of muscles. 

CD:  What is the most prevalent issue your therapists are addressing? 

M and E:  We see everything from head to toe, but the most common area we address is the upper back, specifically between the shoulder blades, which seems to originate from people sitting at their desks and/or using their smartphones.

To schedule an appointment with Delos simply contact the location closest to you! 

Now, back to Studio DelCorpo where we chatted with our on-site Physical Therapist/Bespoke Performance® Trainers Brett Painter and John Randa.  These guys are some of the smartest physical therapists we know.   Their day jobs, doing physical therapy are at Northwestern Medicine Center for Orthopaedic and Spine Care, but we are lucky to have them at the Studio a few days a week.

CD:  Tell me about the new law in Illinois regarding physical therapy.

John and Brett:  A new law was passed in August 2018 that allows direct access to physical therapy providers.  This bypasses the need to see a physician prior to coming to physical therapy so that now you can be evaluated and treated by a physical therapist without a referral.  This law acknowledges the extensive education that physical therapists go through, as a majority of physical therapists have their doctorates in physical therapy (including Brett and John!). 

CD:  Briefly, what is your philosophy about injury/issues?

J and B:  Our philosophy regarding injuries is that there is not a  "one size fits all" approach.   Every injury differs so much person to person and can vary based on a number of factors; including severity, location, and chronicity.  Therefore, with our Performance® and physical therapy sessions, we make sure to make a thorough examination to understand each individual’s injury or inefficiency, as opposed to taking a cookie-cutter approach. 

Too often, a “no pain-no gain” philosophy is assumed when it comes to physical training or re-habilitation programs.  However, we take an approach that safely and comfortably loads the involved tissues while also strengthening the surrounding areas.   This strategy promotes optimal healing so that one can return to whatever it is they like to do, as soon as possible.

CD:  What is the process if someone comes into DelCorpo with an injury?  What if I come in and I just have some tightness or soreness from some tough workouts?

J and B:  When someone comes in with an injury to DelCorpo, we first take a comprehensive exam of the injury or issue.  If the injury is quite self-limiting and impacts your day-to-day function, we will recommend that you initiate physical therapy with us.  Now that we have direct access (see question 1!), heading right into PT is a very seamless process.

However, if the musculoskeletal injury is deemed to be not self-limiting and does not fall under the umbrella of physical therapy, we offer specialized Performance Training®.  These sessions are designed to keep you fit and active while keeping an informed eye on your movement inefficiencies and limitations.  These comprehensive sessions are ideal for improving your total-body strength, flexibility, range of motion, and balance in a safe manner, allowing you to reach your optimal level of fitness.  These sessions also aim to bridge the gap for those who have recently been discharged from physical therapy and want to progress to a safe and effective exercise routine. 

CD:  What is your favorite tool to address injury?

J and B:  Our favorite tool to address injuries is dry needling!  Dry needling uses acupuncture needles to help relieve pain and reduce muscle tension.  From our experience, dry needling has a very powerful impact on boosting the healing process.  Patients and clients often see instantaneous results, such as reduced pain and improved mobility after dry needling…as a result dry needling has become a very big part of our practice. 

For those who are not injured and are looking to prevent injury, improve mobility, or enhance performance, we offer Wellness Dry Needling.  These sessions are a valuable piece of overall self-care and physical maintenance!

CD:  What can I do to optimize injury recovery?

For the best results for the recovery process it is very important to live in a state of “active rest”.  Simply put, this means exercising without performing activities that aggravate any injury or issue.  During a period of active rest, it is important to provide the optimal stimulus for repair for your injury, which is some form of movement that fosters an environment of healing and does not add unnecessary stress on the tissue.  Providing regular exercise for the rest of your body will expedite your recovery by improving blood flow and by accelerating protein synthesis at the injury site.  It is also very important to be cognizant of your nutrition while in a state of rehabilitation.  Providing adequate amounts of protein for your system is crucial during the healing process in order to give the body the building blocks necessary to heal.

To make an appointment for Physical Therapy or for Performance Training® with either Brett or John, or to schedule a consult to discuss which course of action may be best for you, email Brett at or John at  

You may also leave a message at the Studio at 773.340.3359.

And now something special for your self-care…

Kiehls x Studio Delcorpo

Make your holiday season happy and healthy on November 18! Kiehls on Armitage and Studio Delcorpo have teamed up for a special workout class.  Our very own star trainer SHANNON KELLY will teach a one hour, part strength, part stretch class at Kiehls.

How do you register?

Purchase a $25 gift card at Kiehls to reserve your spot, bring yourself, and a mat on Nov. 18, and from 9:30am-10:30am de-stress with the workout and some treats afterwards. The rest of the holidays should be this easy! 

(Class is limited to 12 participants so register now!)

Bespoke your self-care with this great workout and some samples from Kiehls!

Bespoke your self-care with this great workout and some samples from Kiehls!

Brilliant. Easy. Bespoke.