Some Thoughts From Our Summer Intern, Zach Joseph

Studio DelCorpo charged our intern Zach with the task of telling the tale of his unique relationship with exercise during Covid-19. Here it is…

Hey, everyone!

I’m Zach Joseph, the son of one of Studio DelCorpo’s clients, and I’m currently serving as DelCorpo’s summer intern. For the next month or so I’ll be handling the blog posts and social media, so be on the lookout for some fun and interesting posts to come!

Our intern Zach at last summer’s journalist program with The New York Times.

Our intern Zach at last summer’s journalist program with The New York Times.

For this post, I just wanted to introduce myself and talk a little bit about how I’ve been doing in regards to staying healthy while social distancing. I currently am a rising senior, so dealing with this pandemic while also losing the end of my high school years has been less than favorable, to say the least. Yet, I would say that a positive of this whole experience has been how it affected my attitude towards fitness and exercise.

Pre-pandemic, a majority of my exercise came from my gym classes and walking around Chicago. Honestly, getting extremely fit wasn’t my top priority,  with junior year pressures and standardized test prep every week. But once March came along, and schools were closed with no reopening date, I started to look for ways to occupy my time. At first, it was what you would expect of a teenager: video games, Netflix, and FaceTime with my friends every day. Safe to say, it wasn’t the healthiest choice in the world. Soon, it became apparent to me that spending all day on screens with no real exercise plan wasn’t an option, especially since I didn’t have any virtual classes to attend at that point.

So I started out slowly with some jogging. I soon made a pact with myself to run at least twenty minutes a day, with that number steadily increasing as it got nicer outside. Later, as I got adjusted to spending more time at home, part of my gym requirement for the rest of the school year was to send in proof of a minimum of two thirty-minute exercises a week. I tried out the Nike Workout Club app and ended up doing a lot of free workouts in my room during breaks between virtual classes. Now, as the weather’s gotten so nice, I go running or biking every day, or as often as I have the chance. 

I’ve seen the positive effects of exercising regularly on my mental well being, especially given everything on my mind these days. Just running for a quick twenty minutes each day is enough to clear my worries and recenter my mind for the rest of the day. 

I’m excited to be working with the wonderful team at Studio DelCorpo, and can’t wait to learn more innovative and personalized ways to exercise. 

I hope everybody is staying safe and doing well!
